
Country and traditions etc

Hello , this article is going to be about art / traditions etc , when someone talk with me about a country for example , I always think of a link between an art , an object , a music , a style , food etc and this place.I am going to pick up the places that I listed in the last article. Ireland ~ Celtic legends  California ~ music " Calufornia love" 2Pac feat Dr.See Scotland~ highland dress  England ~ bad weather , London eye  Italy ~ pasta  Greece ~ clear water (sea) Russia ~ huge and wonderful churches  Australia ~ hight temperature , kangaroos Austria ~  bike path along the Danube  Washington ~ the Washington monument  Hawaii ~ the beach  Poland ~ ski and snow 

Places to see 2

Welcome back to this blog, this article follow the last one about "places to see". But in this one , I am going to just list some countries or places that I would like to visit. Irlande  California  Scotland  England  Italy  Greece  Russia  Australia  Austria  Washington  Hawaii  Poland

Places to see

Hi ,today I want to talk about some beautiful places where I want to go, so lets start. The first place is Ireland, to be honest I have been there a year before and I really enjoyed this place. It was so beautiful even when it was raining I was so happy to be there and the trip was magic. I really want to go back to Ireland and visit more of the west side. I loved the trip in the ferry it was so excited I was with my friends and I met with some really nice people. I encourage you to go to Ireland during your next vacation. The second place where I want to go is California. First of all , I would like to go to the Disneyland not so far away from my aunt's house. She told me that Disney land was giant like it is a huge place with some restaurants hostels attractions and so many things to see. You can buy a big amount of stuffs from there and it seems to be an interesting place to see only once in your life. I really recommend you to go to California because it is a beautiful pla

Hip-Hop 80s.

Hip-Hop movement 80s. The Hip Hop is a new musical genre which was born in the 80s in the US. It is made by a rhythm accompanied with some rap and singings. It was developed in New York during the “wars of crew” when they gathered rappers of the same district, there was some battles. The hip-hop genre have got several disciplines like Rap music, the break and also beatboxing. It is necessary to know that Hip-Hop music is based on an experimental style for example they tried to put some punchlines in their lyrics. In the Natives and Latino ghettos in New York, this kind of music spread quickly at that time then all around the world. The father of Hip-Hop music was Grandmaster Flash, he has influenced a lot of people with his music.  You can listen to : Fifty cent  GrandMaster Flash  Eminem
Punk movement 70s. Punk movement started during the 70s, it is based on the punk rock which include literature and different forms of ideology. It was created to express discontent and to shows that a lot of people disallow the society where they were living. It was also against the Hippie movement. The term punk is associated to electric guitar. The first punk groups were The Sonics,13 th floor Elevators and Motor City Five (MCF). There is also British groups like The Who. The punk movement was a desire to go back to plainness of old rock music. The punk have reinforced the simplicity of the melodies so that everyone can join the movement and create his group in his garage. Today, the expression “punk” is still associate to the Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, and Ramones etc. It is considered to be a new form of energy and radically which outdo the Hippie movement especially in France. Here are few punk group of music that I really like, enjoy:   Ramones  Sex Pistols
Pop movement 60s. The birth of pop music is from the 60's in USA. A lot of people thought that Pop meant "Kind of Rock" which appeared 10 years earlier , it was called by a soft “rock’n roll” at the beginning , but now we can see that pop genre managed to get out of “ the new little rock”. Thanks to the Beatles , pop music became one of the most popular genre at that time (and also today).Then pop music will be inspired by diverse roots like jazz, folk, soul and also electro. Many artists started using pop music in their songs like Elvis Presley, Elton John, Michael Jackson and Prince. These are few of nice pop music bands: The Beatles   Depeche Mode  Queen  Coldplay.